Introduction to Mindfulness Practice

These 2 hour classes will introduce you to the benefits of, and the techniques for developing a mindfulness practice for your well-being. The next class will  be in 2024, date TBD.

These 2 hour classes will also give you a taste of the 5 hour silent meditation retreats-which you can consider as well!  The next 5 hour retreat will be held on May 25th during  the “gold-standard” 26 hour course, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which will be begin April 6, 2024.

What is “mindfulness”?

We will explore this question by practicing some simple guided meditations and discussion around the mind-body interactions.

Learning methods to turn towards difficulties such as stress, pain or anxiety can increase our emotional balance and resilience, and can support a calmer, kinder way of being-toward yourself and towards others in your life.

Registration: Introduction to Mindfulness
  • In-person class.
  • Course fee: $30
  • This course is designed for adults. If you (or an individual for whom you are registering) is less than 18 years of age, please contact us before registering.
This registration is a two step process:
  1. Complete and submit this form
  2. Select a payment option (below the form)

If you have questions, please contact us.

Step 1: Class Registration

    Step 2: Registration Payment: 3 options-
    1. You can pay for the course online through PayPal (No PayPal account necessary – you can just use your preferred credit card on their site) using the “Buy Now” button:

    2. Or submit your payment by check payable to:

    Ellen Falconer
    427 Washington Street
    Port Townsend,  WA 98368
    3. Or submit your payment via Venmo to: @Ellen-Falconer after you install the Venmo app!