Mindfulness Retreats

Practicing Presence: A DAY OF MINDFULNESS* see dates below

Our goal is to meet in companionable silence together where we give each other the support and spaciousness to have our own unique experience. We will be practicing in silence as your teacher guides the group through the sitting and movement meditations that most students of mindfulness practices are familiar with.

This is an opportunity to be with the pleasant and unpleasant moments that arise and disappear daily- thoughts, sensations and emotions- in a supportive environment. This is ‘together action’ as we focus on becoming more aware of our life as it is- just this- always changing.

 Here are a few suggestions to help you create an optimal retreat experience:

  1. Wear comfortable clothing: we will be practicing some mindful movement during the retreat. We have chairs- and you can bring your own props if you prefer- a chair or meditation cushion/bench that will support your body comfortably, as we will be sitting in 30 minute segments.
  2. Please “unplug” from your phone.  It is advisable to put your cell phone in another room- they are sooo tempting to want to check.
  3. Please prepare and bring a lunch and/or snacks.  There will be a 30 minute meal break, where we hope you will practice quiet, mindful eating.
  4. Please accept that the day will unfold in the way that it does and much is beyond our control. If things are busier or in some way not to your liking in your environment, try to accept things as they are and know that there is benefit to becoming comfortable with distractions- another way to practice awareness of each moment without judgment, holding compassion for yourself and others. 

Upcoming Retreats*

  • Saturday, April 12th, 2025: 10am  – 4pm

Instructor: Ellen Falconer

Registration is required:
  • Retreat Location: In-person at 629 Fillmore Street, Port Townsend WA
  • Class fee: Sliding scale: $60 to $90.

Registration is a two step process:

  1. Complete and submit this form
  2. Select a payment option (below the form)

If you have questions, please contact us.

Step 1: Class Registration

    Step 2: Tuition

    We are offering this class on a sliding scale fee basis. Please pay as high on the scale as you can – this makes the lower cost options available for those who need them.

    We are happy to take payments by VENMO:  if you sign up with and/or have the Venmo app, you can pay by finding my account: @Ellen-Falconer.

    Or submit your payment by check payable to:
    Ellen Falconer
    427 Washington Street
    Port Townsend,  WA 98368

    You can also pay for the course online through PayPal. Deposits for class will not be refunded in full- if PayPal or credit card is used. Alternately, you can use your deposit for a future class! (No PayPal account necessary – you can just use your preferred credit card on their site). Choose your payment level, and then click on the “Buy Now” button:

    Choose how much you will pay –